Thursday 12 September 2013

Classical Performances in Color Roll Films Taken a Decade Ago...!

A decade ago, during a season of classical dance drama performances on the stages at the temples in Kerala, I had exposed color roll films to shoot many of them as possible ..and the story went dramatic to a certain extent in the life of  film photography also...and many of the prints were either faded or destroyed as the time went on....! The story of my manual shooting with color film rolls could be better described as follows:-
I set out with my NIKON FM 10 loaded with ISO 200 color film rolls in many evenings of the season when the percussion filled the summer evenings , from the temple-theaters  of the classical dance drama of Kathakali in the southern part of India during the summers:
The lamps were lit and the plays begun with innumerable stories; all taken from the anecdotes of Sagas in the remote past ...a play begun with the story of love and life of a beloved pair of the royal breed ;the lady had a charming performance on the stage and the glow in her eyes and face under sparkling apparels and ornaments were caught up in my NIKON FM:
The Beloved Lady called 'Damayanthy'
The turn of the hero was majestic and vibrant and the stage was enlightened by his presence.It was a king of good qualities with a heart to love his counterpart till the end of the play and he was called 'Nala',a man of good qualities:
The Hero with good qualities
A character with evil qualities is inseparable in a dramatic play and here the character with evil commands appears on the stage in full red face frilled in with black and white outlays..
The Face of Evil Qualities
  The hero finally overcomes the catastrophes posed by the evilness and triumphing over all sorts of evil commands and wins his intimate with a pledge of love by the end of the night :
The Final Pledge of the Hero

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