Friday 26 February 2016

The King disguised as a slave or the sighs from the stable...!!

The King in disguise, a story performed in the classical  style
In the Vedic ( period of Vedas in India) tradition of INDIA, there is a story of a great King called NALA, means a man of quality and romance, who had met with a chance to disguise himself as a slave in another kingdom ,due to some dramatic situations caused by an interference of viciousness during his good realm as a virtuous King.During the time of disguise he served another king as a horseman and spent the nights in the stable with sighs recalling his lost kingdom and the beloved queen who had remained away from him, unknowingly about the slave like status of her husband . The image displayed here embodies the King in disguise lamenting upon his loneliness in the stables of another kingdom as a horseman under the subdued conditions of  laboriousness and in loving memory of his queen away from him...The hero ,the king appears in dark bluish costumes on the stage is called BAHUKA,the horseman ,and the sequence is from the classical dance drama form of KATHAKALI of the Southern India ( the shot was taken in roll films in my NIKON FM 10 SLR in 2003).

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